Commercial and industrial sites that have heavy traffic and large wide load vehicles moving around are inherently vulnerable to accidents. No matter how closely your employees follow safety regulations and carefully operate machinery and equipment, things can still go wrong. Vehicles can malfunction and people can make mistakes. When on site accidents occur, they can result in substantial damage to stock and the fabrication of your building. They can also pose a real risk to the health and safety of your staff and anybody else in the vicinity. To help minimise these risks, we design, manufacture and install the finest protective products.

Some workplace locations are particularly vulnerable to damage, such as corners and doorway edges. Wall corners are always exposed and open to damage from vehicular accidents and on site transportation. Whether they are internal or external corners, they are one of the weakest spots of any industrial and commercial environment, and are statistically likely to incur some level of impact at some point.

The kind of damage that is possible is entirely dependent on the traffic that is present at your particular location. Corners can incur anything from wear and tear from foot traffic, to a brush with cleaning and transport trolleys, to severe impact from large scale vehicles such as forklift trucks and heavy wagons.

Every industrial and commercial site needs to conduct thorough risk assessments to determine any changes that need to be made to render a workplace safe for staff and visitors. It is wise to include corners and other vulnerable locations when carrying out all assessments to avoid the risk of damage and expense further down the line. We are able to offer motorway barriers, protective corner guards and various other products to precisely match the specific level of threat you identify.

The high quality, durability and performance of our products cannot be beaten. We use the strongest materials to deliver unwavering protection and long term results. We have been an established and leading supplier of corner guards, column protection and motorway barriers for many years and we can be relied on to deliver the finest on site security and protection solutions.