We are specialist manufacturers of barrier safety products. Our goods are perfect for non-motorway locales. After all, people are at risk in these places as well. We supply clients with top of the line merchandise. This allows us to help with reducing the number of incidents that occur.

One of the products we supply is the pedestrian guardrail. Railings act as an efficient measure to safeguard people who are on foot. They do so in busy cities and towns as well as many other locations. The rails keep everyone safe from infrastructure like steps and the dangers of traffic. Guardrails in particular can supply you with a safety barrier between pedestrians and motorists. They can also mark the edges of pathways or roads.

Durable and stable

Usually, guardrails are created using robust metals. In most cases you install them in the ground with concrete or use bolts to hold them in place. This prevents them from moving with human force. They need to be sturdy and stable to provide the right protection.

However, it is also possible to consider the rails as obstacles. Therefore, you have to weigh the risk of placing them against how much protection they offer. Guardrails won’t halt the complete impact if a vehicle crashes into them. On the other hand, they do prevent pedestrians from leaving the footpath. This can stop them from walking into unsafe roads or steep drops.

Where do you want guardrails?

It is normal to put the rails in places where there is a small divide between traffic and pedestrians. Alternatively, you can have them in locales with tight corners or where vehicles are close to pedestrians at the end of walkways. If there is a high risk of collision if pedestrians manage to get onto the road, you should have railings.

Let us help you maximise barrier safety

At Cenpart, we have plenty of guardrails to spare. In addition to our standard stock items, our team can produce custom designs. There are stagger or straight pattern bars available. Furthermore, our merchandise can come with a powder coated or galvanised finish.

Whatever product you choose, it will be able to assist you with your barrier safety requirements. So, if you know what products you want, please let us know. You can also contact us if you need advice about barriers or where to use them.