Armco barriers are the corrugated steel installations you would normally see around a racetrack. They are there to keep the crowd and drivers safe. These days however, the barrier is capable of much more. We now use them to safeguard the people and assets in many areas, including inside buildings.
For the longest time, Armco products have set the standard when it comes to barrier safety. They defend properties, people, and items against the damages and injuries that can occur when a moving vehicle goes out of control. It is not overstating it to say they play a pivotal role. Because of this, you must make every effort to install them correctly.
Installing the supporting posts
One of the main areas you need to look out for would be the supporting posts. Your Armco barriers have to stand firm following the installation. So that this happens, you have to concrete the posts into the ground. There might already be a concrete surface in place. Here, you can employ base plated posts. However, directly concreting the posts into the ground is always the most reliable approach.
Dig the holes correctly
While digging the necessary holes for your support posts, it is critical for you to follow the health and safety procedures. Furthermore, you must use the proper equipment. Someone could make the decision to use base plate posts. If so, it is vital to guarantee that your surface has enough thickness to accommodate the screws. In addition, the level must be enough that you can fix the posts.
Lining up
Similar to the main beams, the supporting posts should have pre-drilled holes. They should perfectly line up with the beam’s holes. Every beam shall require three posts at least for the support. The posts at either end of a beam are also going to act as the support for the following section.
Order Armco barriers from us
At Cenpart, we provide our barriers in multi and single row formats. Moreover, we have a plethora of post sizes to cast in or bolt down. If there are details you wish to discuss with us, please contact the team.